Meaning caretaker government
What does caretaker government mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word caretaker government. You can also add a definition of caretaker government yourself


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caretaker government

A type of governance where those in power refrain from significant actions such as undertaking major legislative programs or senior judicial or public service appointments, but only maintain necessary normal administrative duties. The reason for this is that power would be in transition due to an election being due or being called suddenly due to t [..]
Source: (offline)


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caretaker government

A government that continues in office to keep the country running but does not make new policy decisions.  A government will be a caretaker government: between when a general election is called and either it is clearly returned to government or an alternative government is sworn in, or after it has been defeated in a vote of confidence in the House [..]
Source: (offline)


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caretaker government

One of the conventions of Australian politics is that once an election is called, the government goes into 'caretaker' mode. Ministers continue to administer the Commonwealth, but are not ab [..]

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